Leetcode: https://leetcode.com/problems/container-with-most-water/
- Give n lines with its height
- Find two lines, which, together with the x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.
Simplify the problem
-> the largest area of rectangle
-> area = width * height
-> (right - left) * Min(height[right], height[left]);
-> find the Max([ (right - left) * Min(height[right], height[left]) ]) 0<=left<=right<=>
- After simplifying the problems, we can see 2 keywords: (left, right) and maximum -> optimal solution -> related to the range (left,right) -> Window Slicing approach
Thinking approach
- Put the left pointer at the first wall
- Put the right pointer at the last wall.
- Each step, left wall < right wall, we move the left pointer right by one
- Otherwise move the right pointer left by one
- Finish when right == left;
How to prove it
- For a brute force, we need n*(n-1)/2 comparision times
- So in our approach, we need to prove that we also eliminate n*(n-1)/2 cases to find the best one
Given: [h1,h2,...hn]
and Area[l,r] = (r-l)*Min(h[l], h[r]);## First loop:assume h1 < hn -> min(h1,hn) = h1;=> min(a1,a2),min(a1, a3), ..min(a1,an-1) <= min(a1,an)
=> Area(1,2),Area(1,3),...Area(1,n-1) <= Area(1,an)-> Area(1,2),Area(1,3),...Area(1,n) <= Area(1,n)
-> MaxArea[1,n] = Area[1,n]=> Eliminate "n-2" candidates (2 -> (n-1))### Second loop
assump a2 > an => min(a2,an) = an;
=> min(a2,an),min(a3,an)....(an-1,an) <= min(a2,an)
=> Area[2,n],Area[3, n],...Area[n-1,n] <= Area[2,n]=> MaxArea[2,n] = Area[2,n];
=> Eliminate "n-3" candidates (2 -> (n-1))....### final
l = r
=> we eliminiate 0 candidates
=> Total loop: n-1So we eliminates
(n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 1+ 0 = (n-2)(n-1)/2
And we get n-1 iteration
=> (n-2)(n-1)/2 + n- 1
=> n*(n-1)/2We got the same comparisions to find the best => same like the brute force